Parco del Ninfeo

Total surface area: 82,000 m2.
The Parco del Ninfeo, separated from Parco del Turismo by Via Romolo Murri (which is bordered by a double row of plane trees and a clipped privet hedge) takes its name from the fountain of the Nymphaeum, created in 1940. It represents the area on the North-western boundary of the district. Because of its vicinity to Palazzo Uffici and Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, it was planted not only with beautiful shrubs and conifers, but also with particular flowering plants that have both a decorative and display purpose.
The war years and subsequent damage left the park in a state of obvious decay, and it was only from 1952 that Raffaele De Vico took on its completion and renovated the landscaping, completing his work in 1961. Like the other large green areas in the district, the Parco del Ninfeo is also equipped with fixed furnishings, such as benches and internal walkways, together with the undergrowth planting.
Further information:
♦ Carlo Bertilaccio e Francesco Innamorati (a cura di), EUR SpA e il patrimonio di E42, Palombi Editore 2004 - Roma.
♦ Calvesi, E. Guidoni, S. Lux (a cura di), E42. Utopia e scenario del regime. Urbanistica architettura arte e decorazione, Marsilio Editore 1987 - Venezia.
♦ T. Gregori, A. Tartaro (a cura di), E42. Utopia e scenario del regime. Ideologia e programma per l'«Olimpiade delle civiltà», Marsilio Editore 1987 - Venezia.
EUR, guida degli istituti culturali, Leonardo Arte 1995 - Milano.
♦ E. Valeriani e F. Innamorati, EUR. Quartiere di architetture, De Luca Editori d'Arte 2012 - Roma.